Wednesday, October 17, 2018

A Symphony of Echoes, by Jodi Taylor

The second installment of The Chronicles of St. Mary's started out with Jack the Ripper and gets more exciting from there.  I love this series so far.  Some things get a little silly, but for good reason.  The story kept my attention the whole time, and I couldn't wait to start the next in the series.

Max and Kal go on Kal's final jump.  It's touch and go for a while, when they run into Jack the Ripper and he engages them, instead of them just observing history.  The fact that there are more sequels let me know that Max was ok, otherwise, I might have written her off before the jump was complete.

Leon and Max go on a much needed vacation, and events there are a complete surprise to me.  I was not expecting any of it.

This series always keeps me guessing, and there are several quotes that I found extremely funny, including the one about beards only being fashionable on men.  I highly recommend this series.

A Symphony of Echos on Goodread

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